Q. Is there a warranty?
A. All units are under one year warranty, with a 90 day money-back guarantee.

Q.Will I get faster results by turning up the intensity?
A. We recommend that you turn up the intensity until you achieve a visible comfortable contraction – after this, increased intensity is superfluous to requirement.

Q. Can I use Tua Viso lying down?
A. Best results are obtained while sitting comfortably in an upright position.

Q. Sometimes I feel a slight tingling sensation in my teeth?
A. The Tua Viso signal may have made contact with a metal tooth filling. Simply slide the sponge slightly away from this area. Clients who have metal fillings report that this tingling stops as facial muscles become stronger.

Q. Is Tua Viso compatable with my other facial products?
A. Yes, after using your Tua Viso you can apply any of your favourite facial products. Just remember to use an oil free cleanser before you use your Tua Viso.

If you have any further questions, please contact us.